add-circle-bold add-circle add-square add alarm-bell-1 alert-diamond analytics-pie-2 archive archive arrow-down-1 arrow-down-2 arrow-left-1 arrow-right-1 arrow-up-1 attachment-1 bin-paper-1 book-star button-record check-1 check-circle-1 close close-quote close cog-1 cog common-file-stack copy-paste credit-card-1 diagram-fall-down disable time-clock-midnight download-thick-bottom drawer-send envelope-letter envelope-letter expand-6 expand-6 file-code filter-1 floppy-disk flying-insect-honey folder-file-1 headphones-customer-support hierarchy-9 hyperlink-2 information-circle keyboard-arrow-down keyboard-arrow-up layout-module-1 list-bullets lock-2 lock-unlock-1 love-it messages-bubble-square move-to-top multiple-circle multiple-neutral-1 multiple-users-1 navigation-menu-horizontal navigation-menu network-browser open-quote pencil-1 pencil-write pencil-1 print-text rating-star rating-star remove-circle remove-square-1 search send-email-1 shield-warning single-neutral-actions single-neutral smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-smile-1_1 smiley-happy smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-happy smiley-thrilled social-media-twitter synchronize-arrows-1 tags-double ticket-1 ticket-1 time-clock-circle undo view-1 view-off view wench

Active Directory For Single Sign-On

If you are a user looking to login using Active Directory, please see this article: 

Microsoft Azure Active Directory is a great way to use single sign-on for your users to simply click a button to login with their usual Microsoft account. This saves on having to maintain multiple accounts. To enable it for your sites, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Site > Login & Registration Settings
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the panel, expanding "Azure Active Directory"
  3. Check the checkbox to enable Active Directory, and optionally apply to all child sites
  4. Most the time the single sign-on URL will be the default, which is and covers Microsoft Live, 365, etc
  5. Choose how users are to be synced:
    • "Only match if user selects in settings" (Default) - with this setting, the user can only login with their Active Directory account if they check the option to sync Active Directory in their profile settings.
    • "Only match if admin selects for user" - as above, but only the admin can choose which accounts are synced with Active Directory
    • "Match all users with Active Directory" - this will allow all counts present on Ruby Datum to sync with Active Directory. Please only use if you are sure that each user will have a corresponding Active Directory account that belongs to them.

Single sign-on works on Ruby Datum by matching email addresses to accounts. The user must have the same email address on their Microsoft account as their Ruby Datum account.

Note: individual child sites can have their own, separate Active Directory details. If you enable on a child site with a different sign-on URL, it will override this one