- On the login page, type in your password and click/tap Log In.
- On the next page click/tap Forgot Password?
- Enter your email address and hit Reset Password.
- The site will send you an automatically generated email containing a link. You may need to wait a few minutes to receive this. By clicking on the link contained in the email, the site will issue you a temporary password via another email.
- When you have received your temporary password, return to the login page and enter your email address, together with the temporary password. Then click Log In.
- Finally, you will be prompted to enter a new password.
The site administrator can turn off the ability for users to reset their own passwords. If this appears to be the case, you will need to contact the site administrator.
If you aren’t receiving automatic emails from Ruby Datum, including reset password emails, you may need to whitelist the IP address we use: