Ruby Datum can notify you about various activity that occurs across a site. This includes:
- when new files are added
- when a question is asked*
- when a user registers (Administrators only)
Within Notifications, you can subscribe to these alerts and specify how often you would like to receive them.
If you choose to enable these alerts, Ruby Datum will notify you in Notifications and via email whenever relevant activity is detected. In order to receive these emails, your IT department may need to whitelist the IP address we use:
Subscribe to notifications on a computer
- Click Admin.
- Under My Settings, click Notification Settings.
Subscribe to notifications on a mobile or tablet
- Tap Admin & Export in the main menu.
- Tap Notification Settings.
- When you have finished, tap Save.
Users will not be notified about activity for items which are hidden from them.
You can also sign up for alerts via the info panel about activity concerning specific folders or files, or questions.
* If Questions and Answers is enabled.